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     Four Goals of Myofunctional Therapy

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Sleep Disordered Breathing




Sleep disturbances of any type rob you of needed sleep, but sleep apnea also robs your body of much needed oxygen. Research shows Obstructed Sleep Disordered Breathing Patterns puts a person at risk of fatigue, decreased productivity, poor quality of life, chronic inflammatory diseases, dementia, heart disease and takes on average 11 years off of the average lifespan. One of the main reasons that mouth breathing at night is so problematic is that it narrows the airway. The position of an open jaw increases the risk of the tongue falling into the airway, adding to upper airway collapse.

Alarmingly, the number of children with Sleep disordered breathing conditions are on the rise. Children are growing and developing the frontal lobe of the brain that requires oxygen rich blood. It's possible that many behavioral issues associated with ADD/ADHD might just be, a child who isn't sleeping well.


Orthodontic Issues



When the tongue is in the proper position (roof of the mouth), internal support for the upper jaw is established the nasal passages develop wide enough to support proper nasal function, the lower jaw grows to follow the upper jaw and opens the airway space behind the tongue. Therefore teeth will have enough room in the dental arches due to proper upper and lower jaw develop.  The tongue plays an amazing role in our facial appearance. The tongue is one of the strongest and most active muscles in the body. A dysfunctional low, forward resting position of the tongue (for 6 or more hours per day) can cause spacing, tooth movement, and an open bite.  Early intervention is helpful 40% of craniofacial growth is complete by age 6 and 80% by age 12. Guided growth using proper muscle function can help eliminate or decrease the time of  challenging and costly Orthodontic treatments. 







Mouth Posture



Nature intended us to breathe in and out of our nose with a closed mouth posture. The nose acts as a filter, warms, and adds moisture to the air we breath. It also is the only organ which provides our body with healthy Nitric Oxide.  Nitric Oxide promotes blood vessel to dilate, aids in the ability of the body to transport oxygen throughout it and this keeps the airways and lungs open decreasing or eliminating asthmatic concerns, chronic congestion, swelling of tonsils, and adenoids. Nitric Oxide has proven anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-pathogen, and anti-allergen qualities making it a key player in a healthy immune response.

In children, the harmful effects of mouth breathing are serious. During these formative years, the breathing pattern helps guide cranial facial skeletal development, shapes the face, teeth, and airways. Nasal breathing, with the tongue in the correct resting posture and lips sealed, contributes to healthy growth. 






If the tongue pushes forward when swallowing a tongue thrust will develop. When this happens it makes a person more likely to swallow small amounts of air when eating and drinking, and digestive issues may develop such as acid reflux, stomach pain, gas, bloat, constipation, chocking, gaging, messy, rapid or slow eating patterns,  food texture concerns, compensations of muscle patterns that will  engage the throat and face.


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